Monday, August 03, 2009

Woofer rides again... road only...

Guess who's back... I mean either than that I'm back into riding. So far twice liow, both also on road... Cause in my previous trip back to Penang, both 2 pairs for Kenda 1.5inch semi slicks. Supposed Keat also start back riding road, at nite after work. But hasn't happen yet...

On who's back... Kit... The previous owner / mechanic / rider of The Bike Shop in SS15 Subang Jaya. Sifu to CS and Jackson... Well it was an impromptu meet up with him. I was supposed to have lunch with CS and his wifey - Cherry. Then CS called to say that Kit is joining us... It was quite a surprised. Thought that he already gone back oversea...

Anyway.... just our simple lunch session @ TTDI - claypot loh si funn. Talks of our riding days... We then proceeded to play pool. Rusty as I was, still managed to win a few racks.

Now now... I then went home a tad earlier, bout 5pm. Changed... and then started to change them tyres on my Tank bike. This and that... took me quite long to prep the bike ready. But yeah... I managed to get the bike going... And started to ride on them Kenda semi slicks. Was a bit scared on the corners, mana tau got sand ke... sure slip rite. But surprisingly... Not bad wor... Good grip !Tried to go a lil "off-road", not too bad... Gotto give it a try in the sands. I doubt that it will perform well in the mud... or wet trails.

But anyway... I stopped after like 5 or 10 minutes of riding. The air pollutant was bad ! My throat was so damn dry. Also I received a sms... Stopped to read and reply... Important sms from an important person. Which... gives me a chance to capture this...

Then hor... mana tau... My shoe rosak ! Stupid tapak tercabut, open croc mouth !

That kind of ended my short evening ride...

WHICH !!!! THIS MORNING... I woke up at 530am, and went for an early morning ride. Started bout 6+ am till 7am... Even then traffic was quite heavy in Subang, the sending kids to school traffic. I have to respect those roadies, I was bit scared looking at the traffice actually. So I just ride on the residential roads...

So now... the next question is... When will my next ride be ? Wonder how long can I maintain the early morning rides ? Think I should TRY to drag Keat along for morning rides... Like that is gonna be possible la. Oh well.... lets see what happens...

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